imege beneficial
drinking water

Which is more beneficial to drink on an empty stomach in the morning, normal temperature water or lukewarm water?

You should drink water on an empty stomach, but be aware of the amount. If you are not used to it, it is better to drink 1 glass of water at first. Later, you can drink 2-3 glasses of water. But which is more beneficial – normal temperature water or lukewarm water?

There is a habit of washing your face and drinking water after waking up in the morning. Isn’t it true that many diseases are cured by this? Many people believe this. It cannot be said that this idea is completely wrong. Constipation, digestive problems or acidity can be controlled by this habit. Drinking water also improves metabolism. Nutritionists say that since it is good to drink water on an empty stomach, it cannot be consumed in excess. You should drink water in moderation. If you are not in the habit, it is better to drink 1 glass of water at first. Later, you can drink 2-3 glasses of water. However, which is more beneficial – normal temperature water or lukewarm water?

According to the experts, there is no doubt that drinking lukewarm water on an empty stomach is the key to good health. Warm water keeps the body’s metabolism normal. As a result, it provides relief from digestive problems. Apart from this, drinking warm water on an empty stomach also removes toxins from the body.

Many people rely on this method to lose fat. However, nutritionists say that there is no direct relationship between drinking hot water in the morning and losing weight.

drinking water

Then why drink lukewarm water every day?

1) Drinking warm water on an empty stomach every morning purifies the blood. Drinking at least three glasses of warm water on an empty stomach helps the body eliminate waste products through urine.

2) Drinking warm water on an empty stomach is very beneficial for constipation.

3) Hot water can relieve menstrual problems. It increases the flexibility of the abdominal muscles, thereby relieving this problem.

4) Hot water is a useless remedy for colds, phlegm in the chest and sore throats. Hot water liquefies phlegm and clears the nasal passages.

5) Hot water activates the nerves at the roots of the hair and strengthens the hair. As a result, the hair becomes longer and shinier.

6) Drinking water on an empty stomach improves the skin and also eliminates acne problems.

7) Hot water is also very beneficial for toothache. If your gums are swollen or you have toothache, brush your teeth with hot water. Drinking hot water will also be beneficial !


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